황보 한
Han Hwangbo
경북 대구 출신
서울대학교 공과대학 학사
University of Connecticut, Ph.D.
Fairchild Space and Electronics Company, Senior Engineer
한국통신 위성사업단장
장편소설 “별들의 만남” 보이스 사 2000 년 발행
단편소설 “50년만에 오는 행운” 문학의 봄 신인 상 2014년
단편소설 ”귀향” 워싱턴문학 19호 2016년
Han Hwangbo served as Executive Vice President of Korea Telecom (KT) for the Satellite Business Group before embarking on his writing career. He published his first novel, The Meeting of the Stars in Korean in 2000. His short story, “A Fortune in 50 Years,” was published in Korean and received a New Writer Award by The Spring of Literature (문학의 봄) in 2014. He has published short stories, “The Nakdong River” in 2015 and “Going Home” in 2016 in Korean in The Korean Literature of Washington. He published a poem, “An Old Man and a Boy” in 2021 in The Korean Literature of Washington.