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워싱턴 문인회 영문학회 회원들이 엮은 문집입니다. 시, 시조, 에세이, 소설 등 장르를 망라하고 읽을거리와 디아스포라 작가로서의 당사자성을 느끼실 수 있을 것입니다. 아마존 온라인에서 구매 가능합니다.
*Amazon 발췌*
Under the leadership of Young-Key Kim-Renaud, we have an anthology, Songs in a Second Language, the first of its kind in scope and depth. We know poetry and prose are transformational; writing is the way we go inward to find the energy to speak our truth. This is an experience where we reconnect language to ourselves; and although this compendium is an honor to one culture, it unites various individuals, each with a separate consciousness, and with separate stories.
Songs in a Second Language: An Anthology of Korean American Literature
아마존 온라인으로 주문 가능합니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.